Residents need to have a voice, a say, and a seat at the table when decisions are being made. To create a level playing field and direct contact between residents and all “key players” involved in revitalization planning. Grassroots groups including the Coalition should be at the discussion table since they understand the local issues, context and culture. Creating a bottom up process cannot solely just rely on TCHC ambassadors who are staffed by TCHC and can be shunned if their ideas are not inline with propositions.
Theme 1: Support a Bottom-Up Process
Item |
Request |
Stakeholders |
Community Advisory Group |
We are requesting that the TCHC, City, and TDSB/TCDSB consultation processes and meetings are held together, and consistently invest in culturally relevant and socially safe engagement that will shape social and physical transformation of the community. Meet with Lawrence Heights residents regularly to discuss every step of the planning process and establish a Community Advisory Group that includes the Coalition and TCHC tenants to inform the overall revitalization planning, tenant engagement and building design. TCHC needs to send flyers to all tenants to inform them about times and dates of City of Toronto meetings (including CAG meetings). |
TCHC, City of Toronto, TDSB TCHC, City, Community |
RFP Committee |
Work with TCHC and City to finalize community benefits items in the RFP and to ensure tenant priorities are reflected. |
Tenants, Coalition, City and TCHC |
Community Benefits Oversight Working Group |
Establish a Community Benefits Oversight Working group to oversee implementation of community benefits and include tracking, monitoring and evaluation of outcomes throughout revitalization. |
Agencies, Coalition, Tenants, City, TCHC, Developer |